Pagan, Black Metal, Slavonic, Heathen
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316sub lip 27, 2009 2:23 am
Svarun Forumilo za metalurge
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Krljanje uživo....Najave koncerata i utisci sa koncerata na kojima ste bili
521pet ruj 04, 2009 12:12 pm
Svarun Sodom/Bombarder/Space Eater/The Stone - Beograd, 12.09.2009.
Slavonic Heathen Brotherhood Empty


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Balkanska scena

42289pet lis 25, 2013 2:35 pm
ptomain Eris
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Black Metal

Take me can't you feel the call, Embrace me eternally in your daylight slumber, To be draped by the shadow of your morbid palace, Ohh, hate living... The only heat is warm blood So pure... So cold Transilvanian hunger
Moderator/ica: Vozd Jovan Pogani
71326čet ruj 10, 2009 7:45 pm
Ostroilo Halla (Iran)
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Death Metal

616pet ruj 04, 2009 5:15 pm
Ostroilo Dismember
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Heavy Metal

I cannot sleep at night, That's what the day is for anyway, And as the clock strikes midnight, I hear "THEM" dancing at the graves singing to My mind killing the pain . . . sleepless nights . . . sleepless nights
Moderator/ica: Templarius Invictus
819pet ruj 04, 2009 12:14 pm
Svarun King Diamond
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Pagan / Viking

Fatherland - Lonely Nights, Of coldness, of autumn, of rain, Fatherland - Razor blades, Of winter, of smoke and the pain, Fatherland - Ghosts of White, I'd swear they could kill, Fatherland - Murderer, I know you will be
319pon lis 05, 2009 7:14 pm
Gotterdammerung Falkenbach
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433ned srp 05, 2009 1:05 am
Svarun Kolovrat
Slavonic Heathen Brotherhood Empty

Historia est magistra vitae

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Staroslavenska mitologija

Moderator/ica: Simargl
23sub lip 13, 2009 3:21 pm
Haloo Svetovid
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Porijeklo Slavena

Moderator/ica: Simargl
211pet ruj 04, 2009 4:56 pm
Ostroilo Da li je bilo "velikih seoba"?
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Mitologije ostalih naroda

12sub lip 13, 2009 5:12 pm
Haloo Odinizam
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416pet lip 26, 2009 11:41 pm
Svarun Kar98 - klasična repetirka
Slavonic Heathen Brotherhood Empty

U Birtiji kod veselog Jarca

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418uto ruj 08, 2009 1:00 am
Ostroilo Preporuke
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470pet srp 17, 2009 4:47 pm
crni_isus Tablature
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24ned lip 28, 2009 8:43 pm
Svarun Preporuke filmova
Slavonic Heathen Brotherhood Empty
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